B-BBEE Level 4 Contributor | ISO 3834 Certified | CIDB: 7CE & 7ME

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Acid Mine Drainage Treatment

Acid mine drainage systems are designed to manage and treat water that becomes contaminated by the oxidation of sulfide minerals exposed during mining activities. When sulfide minerals, such as pyrite, come into contact with air and water, they oxidize and produce sulfuric acid, which can leach heavy metals from surrounding rocks. These systems typically include several treatment processes to neutralize the acidity and remove contaminants. Initially, water is collected and directed to a treatment facility where lime or other alkaline substances are added to raise the pH and neutralize the acidity. This process precipitates metals, allowing them to settle out as sludge. Further filtration and settling processes may be employed to remove remaining solids. Finally, the treated water is either discharged into local water bodies or reused, ensuring that it meets environmental regulations and minimizes harm to surrounding ecosystems. These systems play a crucial role in mitigating the environmental impact of mining operations and protecting water quality in affected areas.